Tuesday, January 31, 2017

What is Creativity?

Often we think creativity as some task to be performed, if that is the case then we are binding the very nature of possible outcome. Creativity may not be associated with bounded actions rather it may be associated with the conscious natural happenings. The happenings which comes as a natural outflow of human nature. Not confined with the directions or dimensions. When the actual nature of a person is allowed to blossom and perform, the miraculous outcome can be seen. Such outcomes as referred many times as godly deeds. Divine moments! For example when Sachin plays cricket, we relate it with god, every stroke by the master seems to be astonishingly pop out precipitously at the very moment in the field of cricket. This phenomenon of effortless but conscious actions we demark sometimes as creativity.  


How it works?

Being creative requires us to be detached from the demanding social environment and enter into the natural aura of self. When we operate in this mode, magic happens. Take the example of Beethoven, one of the most influential and celebrated music composers of all time, famous for many of his work in western art music. Most admired and astounding work of Beethoven came from last 10 years of his life, in his last decade of life he was totally deaf. Yes Deaf! totally! Not able to listen anything made Beethoven create the amazing music. Detached and incredibly creative.  

When we experience such creativity we seems to be touched by divine. May be then Sachin playing cricket or Beethoven playing his symphony it becomes mere the example of creativity.   

How to get there?

Materialistic and Scientific innovations are the subset of creativity. Creativity however serves wider purpose. Creativity is boundless and such can be experienced by coming closer and closer to very nature of self. Every life is creativity in its own way, just like a seed hiding in itself an enormous potential of transforming into a mighty tree. Our life also hides immense potential of becoming the one who seems to have accessed the inner nature. If one could access inner self and become close enough, creativity will blossom automatically without effort.