Sunday, August 28, 2016

The movies you must watch before you die.

Oh Really! Isn’t that too dramatic a title for a blog “The movies you must watch before you die” huh !!

Well it has to be, not just to catch the eyes of the readers but to put little extra prominence into the subject. If you don’t like watching movies, that’s okay, but if you do even partially then you don’t want to miss out on the names which I am going to say.

Some of the movies I listed out might be out of your taste. Some people like action movies, some like comedy, Drama, Love story and list goes on. There are some movies which I feel are timeless. You might consider sometime to take a pause in your otherwise busy and fast life and activate the brain cells to go into the world where the showman wants you to be.

The movies are not ordered as per rank.

1.       Pursuit of happiness
2.       Shaw shank redemption
3.       Forrest Gump
4.       The Bucket list
5.       Lucy
6.       Before sunrise, After sunset
7.       Life is beautiful
8.       Interstellar
9.       The man from the earth
10.   Goodwill hunting

There are some movies which I wont keep in top 10 list, but to keep’em separate for it belongs to no category as such. If you haven’t seen these (below) movies, you missed something in your life. You might miss the best imaginations of human mind.

1.       Harry Potter Series
2.       Finding Nemo
3.       Wall-E
4.       Kungfu Panda

If you want more here is the list of some miscellaneous movies

1.       Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind
2.       Titanic
3.       The True man show
4.       Saving private Ryan
5.       The Terminal
6.       Cast Away
7.       Inception
8.       Gravity
9.       Invictus
10.   Gandhi

All are Hollywood Movies (even Gandhi), yes, for now. May be sometime I may also compile some movies from Hindi Cinema too.

Moreover, above are some of many good movies. I am sure you may feel why so and so movie is not in the list etc. but the point here is not to give you the comprehensive list, but to touch few movies which can touch the heat swiftly.

There are some rational thoughts for picking up the movie, but the prominent one I will tell you. The movies are the one which ignites the thoughts ‘after you watch them’ so its really the after effect which qualifies them to be on the list.

These experience might be varying but one common thought may prevail, “This is the movie you must watch before you die”.

(Feel free to leave a comment, on your fav movie. Your list too.)